09280114 - Business French (for international student)

Niveau de diplôme
Crédits ECTS 3
Volume horaire total 21
Volume horaire CM 21



The course is divided into 3 levels:
- beginner (A1)
- intermediate (A2-B1)
- advanced (B2-C1)

  • Group 1: Reach the A1 level: be able to introduce themselves and talk about themselves in a basic French level
  • Group 2: Be able to understand business news in the written & visual media
  • Group 3: Be able to find an internship and communicate in a working environment

Contrôles des connaissances

Final Exam
Written 2h

Continuing Examination
In class examination

Informations complémentaires

Group 1: none
Group 2: A2 level
Group 3: B1 level

Formations dont fait partie ce cours