How to successfully write Masters or PhD thesis: a guide for foreign students

Published on October 22, 2018 Updated on April 13, 2021

A work co-authored by Yves-Frédéric Livian – honorary professor at iaelyon – and Robert Laurini.

For foreign students, to prepare a Masters or PhD thesis calls for numerous new skills and capacity to adapt to the French university context.

This practical guide, based on many years of experience supporting foreign students at Lyon’s “Coup de Pouce Université”, is designed to answer the main questions students ask themselves: what exactly is expected from them regarding “research”? What will the assessement focus on? What is the best type of methodology for gathering information, writing and defending the thesis? What framework and schedule keep?

Yves-Frédéric Livian, doctor in sociology and honorary professor at iaelyon and Robert Laurini, doctor in information technology are both former Université de Lyon professors and have extensive experience in teaching in foreign countries. They have been supporting students for 10 years.

Editions Campus Ouvert, September 2018, 132 pages

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