06211106 - Managing International HR and conducting Human Resource research

Niveau de diplôme
Crédits ECTS 6
Volume horaire total 4E+1
Volume horaire CM 40


  • MARTIN-CLARAZ Nathalie


Managing International Human Resources Management:
Introduction by the teacher, interactive class through discussion, testimonies, debates, readings, short HR case studies, & use of a reverse pedagogy through guided group presentations around recent trends in International HRM, followed by the teacher’s general feedback & opening on debate on last topics in international HRM

Research in HR & OB
The aims of this course are to present characteristics and contributions of a scientific approach in HRM & OB, and to prepare student to make a good research, or field enquiry, and to know how to disseminate it. it could help students to choose to pursue in research master program, or to follow the special research optional lesson.
This course could be useful for writing final synthesis dissertation of 1rst year, and final dissertation of master program

Estimation of private study (outside of contact hours): 40 hours


Managing International Human Resources Management:
Diversity management, the question of inclusion in the work context, as well as the HR professionals’ responsibility towards employees’ substance use and abuse are addressed in this course.

Research in HR & OB
We will talk about the ethics'issues in research, how to protect the interviewed people, how to cope with sensitive issues. And we will overlook research on RSE/O issues.


Managing International Human Resources Management
  • Technical skills:
    • Increase your understanding of future and current HR management practices
    • Facilitate cultural integration and help you define your national and international career opportunities
  • Social/transversal skills:
    • Critical thinking, self-projection in a business situation
    • In relation with the course, analysis of origins and consequences, research and synthesis of relevant information (critical of the sources used), collection of relevant secondary data, data analysis and synthesis
    • Ability to perform group tasks

Research in HR & OB
  • Knowing how to build and to structure research
  • Master the standards of written and oral communication in research
  • Build contemporary issues in HRM research
  • Master the HRM policies analysis tools
  • Know how to write and present (written and oral) analytical work meeting academic requirements
  • Read and understand a research article
  • Be able to distinguish scientific knowledge from other forms ideas
  • Learn about careers in research and higher education
  • Knowing the major trends of research



  • Introduction: The 3 approaches in IHRM, generalities & current challenges
  • Managing international talent & the international “war for talent”
  • Different types of international mobility contracts
  • Managing remote employees: Hybrid working, tele-working: Cross-country management comparison & the ‘gig economy’
  • Successfully maintaining social ties even in times of COVID19
  • Diversity management : Making workplaces inclusive
  • HR management of substance use and abuse: Regional comparison
  • Intercultural management : Special focus on time management
  • Towards more democracy in foreign companies
  • Working through refugee crisis
  • Artificial Intelligence as a solution to HR crisis
  • The future of work: A regional perspective

HR & OB Research Initiation:

  • General considerations
  • The epistemological framework for research
  • Design: Create / collect data in research
    • Data collection: the investigation in research
    • The collection of data through observation
    • Data collection by experimentation
  • Data Analyse in HRM & OB research
    • quantitatively analyze data (if enough time)
    • qualitatively analyze data
  • Organize and communicate research results


  1. Blanchet A. Gotman A. (1992). L'enquête et ses méthodes : l'entretien. Paris: Ed. Nathan.
  2. Thiétart, R-A. (2014). Méthodes de recherche en management-4ème édition. Dunod.


  1. Armstrong, M., Taylor, S. (2014). Armstrong's Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, 13thEdition, Kogan Page.
  2. Boxall P. Purcell J. & Wright P. (2007). The Oxford Handbook of Human Resource Management,  Oxford University Press
  3. David, A. D., & Stephen, P. R. Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (Wiley)
  4. Dowling P.J, Festing, M. and Engle, A.D (2017), International Human Resource Management, 7th edition Cengage learning EMEA, Hampshire, UK.
  5. Hall, E.T. (1984) The silent language, Ed Seuil, Paris.
  6. Meyer, E. (2014) The culture map: Breaking through the invisible boundaries of global business, Public Affairs ed.
  7. Redman, T. & Wilkinson, A. (2011) Contemporary Human Resources Management, Prentice Hall, London.
  8. Vance, C.M. & Paik, Y. (2015) Managing a global workforce, Routledge, NY, 3rd edition

HR & OB Research Initiation:
  1. Bournois F., Brabet J.coord (1993). Les connaissances en gestion des ressources humaines in : Repenser la gestion des ressources humaines ? coordonné par Julienne Brabet. Gestion Economica.
  2. Dauberville B., Gilbert P., Pigeyre F. (1996). Les Sciences humaines dans l'entreprise. Paris : Economica
  3. Demazière D., Dubar Cl. (1997). Analyser les entretiens biographiques. L'exemple des récits d'insertion. Paris : Nathan, coll.Essais et Recherches.
  4. Delery, J. E., & Doty, D. H. (1996). Modes of theorizing in strategic human resource management: Tests of universalistic, contingency, and configurational performance predictions. Academy of management Journal, 39(4), 802-835.
  5. Dévereux G. (1980). De l'angoisse à la méthode dans les sciences du comportement. Paris : Flammarion.
  6. Favret-Saada J. (2002). Les mot , la mort, les sorts. Paris : Folio essais
  7. Geerzt, C. 2002. Savoir local Savoir global : Les lieux du savoir, Sociologie d’aujourd’hui, 3ième édition, Paris: PUF, 393 p. (Original: Local knowledge further essays in interpretive anthropology, basic book, Inc., New York, 1983)
  8. Herreros G. (2002) Pour une sociologie d'intervention. Paris : Editions erès
  9. Hlady-Rispal M. (2002). La méthode des cas. Application à la recherche en gestion. Bruxelles : Ed. De Boeck Université.
  10. Igalens J., Roussel P., (1998) Méthodes de recherche en gestion des ressources humaines. Paris
  11. Kaufmann J.-C. (1996). L'entretien compréhensif. Paris : Ed. Nathan.
  12. Latour B. (1995) La science en action. Paris : Folio essais.
  13. Livian Y.F. (1995) Introduction à l'Analyse des Organisations. Paris : Economica
  14. Mucchielli A. (1994). Les méthodes qualitatives. PUF. Coll. Que sais-je ? (2e éd.).
  15. Mucchielli A. (1996). Dictionnaire des méthodes qualitatives en sciences humaines. Paris : Armand Collin.
  16. PAGE, Carole et MEYER, Denny. Applied research design for business and management. McGraw-Hill Higher Education, 1999.
  17. PIRES, Alvaro P., et al. Échantillonnage et recherche qualitative: essai théorique et méthodologique. La recherche qualitative. Enjeux épistémologiques et méthodologiques, 1997, p. 113-169.
  18. Quivy R., Van Campenhoudt L. (1995). Manuel de recherche en Sciences sociales. Paris : Dunod.
  19. Remenyi, D, 2013. Case Study Research, Academic Conference and Publising International Limited, 204 p.
  20. Roussel P., Wacheux F. (2005) Management des ressources humaines. Méthodes de recherche en Sciences Humaines et sociales
  21. Wacheux F. (1996). Méthodes qualitatives et recherche en gestion. Paris : Economica.
  22. Watzalwick P. (ed) 1988, L'invention de la réalité. Comment savons-nous ce que nous croyons savoir. Contribution au constructivisme. Parsi : Seuil.
  23. SCHMITT, Neal, KLIMOSKI, Richard J., FERRIS, Gerald R., et al. Research methods in human resources management. South-Western Pub, 1991.

  1. de Bovis Vlahovic, C, Dressayre, C, 2015, « Quand un jeu de cartes favorise l’appropriation d’un référentiel de compétences », in Revue Internationale de Management des Homme & Entreprise. ISSN 2259-2490.
  2. de Bovis Vlahovic, C, Dressayre, C, 2015, « Playing Cards to Create Data: How to Link Knowledge and Praxis to Redesign Competencies Framework », 14th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Valletta, Malta, (2015 June). pp. 160-169.

Contrôles des connaissances

Individual grade
  • Assessment type: Written
  • Length: up to students (4 hours full time advised)
  • Nature of the assessment: assigment du : research proposal (in HR & OB research)

Other grade(s)
  • Written Test:
  • Grading during class
  • Length: 20mn.
  • Nature of assessment: Oral presentation on an HR topic from The Conversation or a short scientific article, followed by a few questions from the other students and the teacher (participation counts in the grade. IHRM)

Weight:  individual grade 2/3, other Grades 1/3

Informations complémentaires

Introduction by the teacher, interactive class through discussion, testimonies, debates, readings, short HR case studies, & use of a reverse pedagogy through guided group presentations around recent trends in International HRM, followed by the teacher’s general feedback & opening on how to conduct HR research.

Short case studies, The Conversation & scientific articles, HR professionals’ websites
Scientific Papers, research reports, research proposal, bibliography, interviews.

General knowledge in business management

  1. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, ed. ESKA https://eska-publishing.com/fr/home/758-gestion-des-ressources-humaines.html
  2. Human Resource Management https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/1099050x
  3. Journal of Labor Research https://www.springer.com/journal/12122
  4. @GRH https://www.agrh.fr/revue-agrh
  5. Organizational behavior & Human Decision Processes  https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/organizational-behavior-and-human-decision-processes
  6. Personnel Psychology https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/17446570
  7. m@n@gement https://management-aims.com/index.php/mgmt


The recommended texts and publications listed below in bibliography are provided by the teacher or directly accessible on the web (Students are advised to come to class with their personal computer, at least one for two students as they will work in pairs).

HR & OB Research Initiation:
The class will teach sustained by slide presentation. A part of this presentation could be given to students through moodle if the professors observe a real involvement of the students.
Many documents (research papers, research reports, etc.)  will be upload on moodle platform, with access to students.


Formations dont fait partie ce cours