Management - Ressources Humaines
06210666 - New perspectives in management practices
Niveau de diplôme | |
Crédits ECTS | 2 |
Volume horaire total | 32 |
Volume horaire CM | 32 |
Part 1 (Caroline Coulombe): Crisis management and its leadership
After two years of COVID-19 pandemic, various researches show us that several organizations were not ready to face such a long and high intensity crisis. However, it is important to emphasize that the more agile organizations have seized the opportunity to review their strategy, processes, values and organizational objectives in order to create positive organizational levers despite the dramatic situation. For the sake of drawing from lessons learned, or even practices, to be integrated into this "new normal", organizations and their managers need first to understand the underlying concepts-theories and practices behind “crisis management”.In this seminar, we cover the “best practices” in crisis management and crisis leadership, we draw learnings from business case analysis, we even go through a simulation to integrate certain competencies specific to that area of management.
Typologies of crisis including climatic changes crisis or lack of CSR coherence as well as generic ethical issues raised through crisis management are covered.
- Definition and types of crises
- Concepts and processes to understand crises
- Understand the cycle and dynamic of crises
- Competencies to lead a crisis
- Reflexive frameworks for ethical issues related to crisis management
Part 2 (Ruud HARTMANNS and Josiena GOTZSCH): Eco-system awareness & Design Thinking
In the past, companies and business schools gave analytical thinking a high priority, while placing less importance on creative, innovative skills. In a competitive world a combination of analytical and creative thinking is vital. Both are needed to find better solutions. It has therefore become important for companies to also place further emphasis on imaginary thinking.Good design stands out, increases sales and is crucial for companies in competitive fields. However, the advantages of a design process and mindset go far beyond the aesthetic value, design is known for.
Design has evolved towards Design Thinking and can be applied to a wide variety of projects. Its structure gives psychological safety to develop one’s creativity.
In an innovative company, managers should understand these creative approaches, because they (and business students) do not always feel confident in their own creativity. Using Design Thinking steps will help to become more creative (again). Using Design Thinking tools requires a “designerly” attitude, based on curiosity and an attitude for learning. It concerns the development of one’s own personal creative thinking. Resetting one’s brain to be creative, gaining confidence in one’s own creativity, intuition - and entrepreneurial capacity
For this reason, this part of the module is set up in a mindset and a process section
1. the organizational designer's mindset and
2. design thinking (Stanford) thoroughly and your role in it
Part 1
- Definition and types of crises;
- Concepts and processes to understand crises;
- Understand the cycle and dynamic of crises.
Part 2
- Enhanced knowledge of the Stanford design thinking process
- Awareness of design's vital impact on business results
- Recognising the link between the creative design approach and inspiring management
- Basic knowledge of ecosystems and complexity as management environment
- Awareness of individual and collective mindset conditions in relation to management practices
- Developing your personal creativity
Part 1: Crisis management and its leadership
Specific content is described above in other sections
- Am: Crisis definitions; crisis categories; crisis cycle; crisis models; Business case 1.
- PM: Business case 2; lessons learned; crisis scenarios and best practices.
- AM: Simulation
- PM: reflexive feedback on competencies to integrate; next step; crisis cell and BCP-BRP.
Part 2: Eco-system awareness & Design Thinking
- With innovation driving the modern organisation the development of future leaders who are creative and innovative is critical to remain competitive. Emerging leaders need to develop the skills to galvanize opportunity, evolve new strategies, lead new initiatives and be part of building « the entrepreneurial organisation ».
- Providing a thorough understanding of the underlying theory of Design Thinking. Experience its application. Reflect on its different applications within an organization that you know or your life.
Part 1: Crisis management and its leadership
BOOKS USED AS REFERENCE:- Bernier, R., Paquin, S et Audet, F. (2022). Gouverner en temps de pandémie, l’État québécois face à la crise, Éditions PUQ.
- Fotaki, M, Islam, G. & Antoni, A. (2020). Business Ethics and Care in Organizations, Routledge.
- Mitroff, (2001) Crisis Leadership, Executive Excellence, vol. 18, p. 19-22.
- Mitroff (2004). Think like a sociopath, act like a saint, Journal of Business Strategy, vol. 25, n° 5, p. 42-53
- Pauchant (2005) Crisis management, Dunod.
- Simola (2005). Crisis Prevention, Journal of Business Ethics, vol. 62, n° 4, p. 341-353.
Caroline Coulombe, Professeure au Département de management
Ecole des sciences de la gestion – UQAM
Membre du comité scientifique de la Chaire en gestion de projet
Membre du comité scientifique de l’Observatoire canadien des crises et de l’aide humanitaire (OCCAH)
Part 2. : Eco-system awareness & Design Thinking
BOOKS USED AS REFERENCE- The Bootcamp Bootleg (2018), Updated version, Hasso Plattner Institute of Design, Stanford.
- BANFIELD, R., LOMBARDO, C. and WAX, T. (2016), Design Sprint, O'Reilly Media
- LEWRICK M., LINK P. and LEIFER L. (2020), The Design Thinking Toolbox: A Guide to Mastering the Most Popular and Valuable Innovation Methods, Wiley, New Jersey
- Scharmer, C. Otto (2016), Theory U, 2nd edition, Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
- BASON C. and AUSTIN R. (2019), The Right Way to lead Design Thinking, Harvard Business Review, March-April
- GINO F. (2018), The Business Case for Curiosity, Harvard Business Review, September
- KELLEY T. and KELLEY D. (2012), Reclaim your Creative Confidence, Harvard Business Review, December
- LIEDTKA J. (2018), Why Design Thinking Works, Harvard Business Review, September-October
- ROHDE, M. (2011) Sketching: The Visual Thinking Power Tool,
- BRAND, W. (2017), Visual Thinking, BIS Publisher
- BURNETT, B. and EVANS, D. 2016. Designing your Life, How to Build a Well-Lived Joyful Life. New York, Alfred A. Knopf.
- CUREDALE, R. (2013), Service Design: 250 Essential Methods, Design Community College
- GREGORY, Danny (2016), Art before Breakfast: The Workbook, Chronical Books LLC, San Francisco, California
- LIEDTKA J., KING A., BENNET K., (2013), Solving Problems with Design Thinking: Ten Stories of What Works, Colombia University Pres
- LIEDTKA J., OGILVIE T. and BROZENSKA, R. (2014), The Designing for Growth Field Book: A Step by Step Project Guide, Columbia University Press
- OSWALDER, A. and PIGNEUR, BERNARDA, G. and SMITH, A. (2014), Value Proposition Design, John Wiley and Sons
- SPARKE, P. (2013), An Introduction to Design and Culture: 1900 to the Present, Routledge
- GOTZSCH J. (2017) Getting Creative Again. Awaking Your Inner Creative Self, The Design Journal, 20:sup1, S1072-S1079, DOI: 10.1080/14606925.2017.1353051 To link to this article:
- GOTZSCH J. (2021) Stimuler la créativité - les leçons de la pandémie, Grandes Ecoles Magazine,
- GOTZSCH J., Functional, Beautiful and Meaningful Products: Designed to be Loved in Der Offenbacher Ansatz. Zur Theorie der Produktsprache., Thilo Schwer and Kai Vöckler Ed., Transcript, Bielefeld, Germany
Contrôles des connaissances
Part 1:
Business case analysis - team work (40%)
Final project on crisis management (60%)
Part 2:
In class examination: Teamwork: 25% and 25%
After class assignment: 50%
Nature of student work: Individual Design Learning Brochure
Instructions for the after-class assignment instructions: Your Design Learning Brochure:
Create an individual Learning brochure: How to use this new skill set in your profession and life?
Precise questions and examples will follow in class
Design your brochure
Business case analysis - team work (40%)
Final project on crisis management (60%)
Part 2:
In class examination: Teamwork: 25% and 25%
After class assignment: 50%
Nature of student work: Individual Design Learning Brochure
Instructions for the after-class assignment instructions: Your Design Learning Brochure:
Create an individual Learning brochure: How to use this new skill set in your profession and life?
Precise questions and examples will follow in class
Design your brochure
- Give your document a design look … brochure / great lay-out
- Professional
- PDF format might help to keep the lay-out as intended
Informations complémentaires
Part 1: Crisis management and its leadership
TEACHING METHODSBoth business case analysis and discussion in class (after presentation of the concepts):
- Various types of crises that can touch an organization and the cycle of a crisis
- Emotions and leadership of a crisis
- Consequences of a crisis on the strategy and the organization
- The sociopolitical map of stakeholders + communication strategy
- How the culture and the structure of the company contribute to the crisis
- Understanding how crises emerge within organizations
- Levels of intervention in a crisis
- Lessons learned – what are they and how to integrate them
- Diagnosing the exposure to crises and preventing crises
MIRO – MENTIMETERS as complementary tools
French version and complementary texts:
- Coulombe, C. and al. (2022b). Duty of care or not: two years after the beginning of pandemic, the lessons learned of public and international institutions, Rethinking Organizational responsibility- Concordia University.
- Coulombe, C., Hémond, Y., Audet, F. & Alalouf-Hall, D. (2022a). Chapitre 17- Les leçons (non) apprises de la gestion de crise de la COVID19 par l’état québécois, Chapitre inclus dans Gouverner en temps de pandémie, l’État québécois face à la crise, Éditions PUQ.16 pages.
- Audet, F., Coulombe, C., Hémond, Y.& Mouton, G. (2022) Chapitre 2- Gestion de crise de la COVID-19 : comment se compare le Québec avec le reste du monde? Chapitre inclus dans Gouverner en temps de pandémie, l’État québécois face à la crise, Éditions PUQ. 14 pages.
- Coulombe, C., Bédard, A.P. & Harvey, J. (octobre 2021). “L'avantage caché des tensions en collaboration en temps de pandémie », texte pdf ci-joint.
- Leroux, M.P. & Coulombe, C. (11 juin 2020). « Comment gérer à distance en temps de crise »,
- Bédard, A.P, Coulombe, C., Audet, F. & Leroux, M.P. (21 mai 2020). Chefs d’entreprises, êtes-vous bien entourés pour surmonter la crise ?
- Coulombe, C., Alalouf-Hall, D. & Audet, F. (4 mai 2020). « Covid-19 : le long — et incertain — chemin vers le changement ». The Conversation.
- Harvard Business Review « Why anyone should be led by you?” – pdf will be sent to students.
Short videos :
- Coulombe, C. (27 janvier 2021). Une gestion de crise efficace? Premier épisode, (Dé)construire, le balado qui décortique le monde des affaires. Ce beau projet, lancé en partenariat avec QUB Radio.
- Coulombe, C.(invitée experte) sous direction Charron, C. (journaliste), (septembre 2020). Comment l’imprévisible peut-il devenir un outil de croissance? Balado du Journal des Affaires :
Part 2: Eco-system awareness & Design Thinking
TEACHING METHODSThe teaching of this part of the module is particularly interactive and will require participatory learning, one where student and teacher interact in the classroom. Practical exercises will be performed to effectively learn creativity and design techniques.
Enthusiasm and real participation. Class presence is compulsory, and an active participation is required in individual and team assessments.
Formations dont fait partie ce cours
Renseignements pratiques
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Mise à jour : 19 septembre 2023