Management - Ressources Humaines
06240158 - Effective Leadership and Negociation
Niveau de diplôme | |
Crédits ECTS | 2 |
Volume horaire total | 16 |
Volume horaire CM | 16 |
This workshop aims at improving your interpersonal skills in negotiation situations. Beyond theories, how do you actually prepare, implement, and debrief a negotiation strategy in order to reach a deal or to solve a conflict? Are you able to ask appropriate questions, or to present convincing arguments to a client, to a business partner or a lawyer? Are you creative in developing options which are rooted in criteria of legitimacy? How do you react to a question or to an argument from the other side? Are you able to overcome different obstacles to successful negotiations: cognitive, emotional, institutional, cultural, etc.? In other words, aware of how you really behave in negotiation contexts, should you behave the same way, or differently? How can you learn to be a better negotiator?
Estimation of private study (outside of contact hours):10 hours.
Estimation of private study (outside of contact hours):10 hours.
- The Negotiator’s Dilemma vs. Prisoner’s Dilemma
- The three tensions in negotiation:
- Creating value vs. claiming value
- Empathy vs. assertiveness
- Agent vs. principal
- Correcting information differences and partisan perception
- Psychological profile of the negotiator: are you a price-maker or a price-taker?
- The Mechanics of Positional Bargaining
- Principled Negotiation
- The seven elements of preparation
- Integrative vs. distributive tactics
- Interpersonal skills for the negotiator
- Negotiating through agents
- Negotiating with difficult people
- Cognitive skills
- Overcome cognitive barriers in negotiation
- Learning how to really learn from experience
- Subject specific skills
- Turn differences into mutual gain
- Prepare negotiations through a structured 7-step method
- Deal separately with issues of substance, relationship and process in a negotiation
- General/transferable skills
- Making better deals and contracts, especially in international contexts
- Enhancing participants' negotiation skills, broadening their repertoire
- Learning basic dispute resolution tools
- Personal and social skills
- Increase students’ interpersonal skills
Intensive workshop with a pragmatic, hands-on approach
2 objectives:
One is descriptive ("who am I as a negotiator") and the other one is prescriptive ("how can I become a more effective negotiator")
Program :
2 objectives:
One is descriptive ("who am I as a negotiator") and the other one is prescriptive ("how can I become a more effective negotiator")
Program :
- win/lose versus win/win approach
- cooperation versus competition
- prisoner's dilemma versus negotiator's dilemma
- positional bargaining versus principled negotiation
- single issue versus multi issues
- substance versus relationship
- reason versus emotions
- empathy versus assertiveness
In French :
In English :
In French :
- Guedj Thomas. 50 clés pour bien négocier – la théorie du quadrant au service du négociateur, Ellipses, 2017
- Guedj Thomas. Impro:négo : présence, aisance relationnelle et créativité à la table de négociation, (UGA édition, en cours de publication).
In English :
- Axelrod, Robert. The Evolution of Cooperation. New York: Basic Books, 1984.
- Fisher, Roger, Ury, William & Patton, Bruce. Getting to Yes. Penguin, 1991.
- Fisher, Roger & Ertel, Danny. Getting Ready to Negotiate. New York: Penguin, 1995.
- Lax, David & Sebenius, James. The Manager as Negotiator. New York: The Free Press, 1986.
- Mnookin, Robert; Peppet, Scott & Tulumello, Andrew. "The Tension between Empathy and Assertiveness" Negotiation Journal XII (1996) 3, 217-230.
- Neale, Margaret & Bazerman, Max. Cognition and Rationality in Negotiation. New York: The Free Press, 1991.
- Raiffa, Howard. The Art and Science of Negotiation. Cambridge, MA: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1982.
- Ury, William. Getting Past No. New York: Bantam Books, 1993
- Heen, Patton and Stone, Difficult conversation, Viking (Penguin Putnam Group, New York, 1999
- Ross, Lee. Reactive devaluation in negotiation and conflict resolution. In Arrow, K., Mnookin, R., & alii. (eds.) Barriers to Conflict Resolution. New York: Norton, 1995, 26-42.
- Ury, William; Brett, Jeanne et Goldberg, Stephen. Getting Disputes Resolved: Designing Systems to Cut the Cost of Conflict. Cambridge, MA : Program on Negotiation Books, 1988.
- Cuddy, Amy (2016). Presence: bringing your boldest self to your biggest challenges, Orion Books.
- Grant, Adam (2013). Give and take : a revolutionary approach to success, Viking: New York.
- Ury, William (2015). Getting to Yes with yourself: and other worthy opponents, HarperCollins.
Contrôles des connaissances
Continuing Examination
Nature of student work and proportion weight:
Written: Journal collecting personal views on negotiation (60%)
Active participation in class (40%)
Nature of student work and proportion weight:
Written: Journal collecting personal views on negotiation (60%)
Active participation in class (40%)
Informations complémentaires
Participants will be presented with practical simulations that they will be asked to prepare at home before class, to play with their classmates, in pairs or in teams, and finally to debrief with the entire group. Summary lectures will end each session. The whole pedagogy is based on “telling, showing and doing” in order for each participant to progressively elaborate a more efficient personal negotiation method.
Students need to actively participate in class. Preparation of simulations before class is therefore required. Participants must not miss any session. Should they miss more than one, they would not qualify for credit.
After each class day, participants will write their journal, where they report their daily personal experience. This work is subjective, should recall theory only to link it with practice, in the simulations or in everyday life. Information that the journal contains is kept confidential by the instructor. It should not, and will not be communicated to other students.
Two weeks after the end of the workshop, participants will hand in their final journal which summarizes their workshop through daily entries, and which uses italics to differentiate elements which have been added to the daily entries.
Read "Getting to Yes" by Roger Fisher, William Ury and Bruce Patton (Penguin, 1991)
Participants will be presented with practical simulations that they will be asked to prepare at home before class, to play with their classmates, in pairs or in teams, and finally to debrief with the entire group. Summary lectures will end each session. The whole pedagogy is based on “telling, showing and doing” in order for each participant to progressively elaborate a more efficient personal negotiation method.
Students need to actively participate in class. Preparation of simulations before class is therefore required. Participants must not miss any session. Should they miss more than one, they would not qualify for credit.
After each class day, participants will write their journal, where they report their daily personal experience. This work is subjective, should recall theory only to link it with practice, in the simulations or in everyday life. Information that the journal contains is kept confidential by the instructor. It should not, and will not be communicated to other students.
Two weeks after the end of the workshop, participants will hand in their final journal which summarizes their workshop through daily entries, and which uses italics to differentiate elements which have been added to the daily entries.
Read "Getting to Yes" by Roger Fisher, William Ury and Bruce Patton (Penguin, 1991)
Formations dont fait partie ce cours
Renseignements pratiques
iaelyon School of Management
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
1C avenue des Frères Lumière
CS 78242
69372 Lyon cedex 08
Tél. : +33 (0)4 78 78 70 66
Sur Internet
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
1C avenue des Frères Lumière
CS 78242
69372 Lyon cedex 08
Tél. : +33 (0)4 78 78 70 66
Sur Internet
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Mise à jour : 19 septembre 2023