• Anciens diplômés,
  • Formation,

AIMS 2023 : 2 prix décernés à Rachid Achbah, promotion ERM 2019

Publié le 27 juin 2023 Mis à jour le 28 juin 2023

Rachid Achbah, diplômé du Master Etudes et Recherche en Management promotion 2019, docteur à Coactis - Université Saint-Etienne, a obtenu deux prix de l’AIMS 2023 (Association Internationale de Management Stratégique).

Il a été récompensé pour son article intitulé « CEO Advice seeking and the Failure Escape: The Role of the CEO Entourage in Corporate Restructuring » et a obtenu : 
  • Le Prix Roland CALORI du jeune chercheur 
  • Le Prix des meilleures implications managériales ou sociétales

La recherche primée est la suivante :

CEO Advice seeking and the Failure Escape: The Role of the CEO Entourage in Corporate Restructuring

This study examines the effect of the CEO’s environment through advice seeking in managing firm’s financial difficulties. We use three advice-seeking modalities (source, intensity, and diversity) to theorize about the CEO’s consciousness of insolvency risk and the restructuring decision. Our predictions are tested using a sample of 407 French SMEs in financial distress in the Rhône-Alpes region. The results indicate that the CEO’s internal (TMT) and external advice-seeking intensity positively affect the CEO’s consciousness of insolvency risk and the restructuring decision. The results also show that the functional diversity of TMT members positively moderates the relationship between the CEO’s advice-seeking intensity and their consciousness of insolvency risk. In contrast, we found a negative moderating effect of diversity in external advice seeking. By examining the management of financial distress from the perspective of the manager’s entourage via advice seeking, we take the first steps toward a more realistic and general understanding of this phenomenon.