
06201118 - Qualitative Research in International Business Case application

Niveau de diplôme
Crédits ECTS 3
Volume horaire total 20
Volume horaire CM 20




This course provides students with an in-depth understanding of qualitative research methodologies and their application in international business contexts. Emphasis will be placed on both theoretical frameworks and practical applications, such as interviews, data coding, and analysis using software.

This course aims to experiment qualitative research approaches, and to explore the pragmatic dimensions of qualitative methods. The Course goal is to enhance students’ capacity to conceptualize, design and conduct qualitative research in IB & management field. From already collected data material, the main objective is to analyze qualitative data, discuss results and provide suggestions.

Estimation of private study (outside of contact hours): 30 hours


This course emphasizes ethical research practices, including respect for participants' rights, data privacy, and the responsible use of qualitative data in international business contexts. Students will learn to apply social responsibility principles during data collection, analysis, and reporting to ensure that their research contributes positively to society and respects cultural and ethical norms in a globalized environment.


• Mastery of a qualitative research methodology approach
• Experimental knowledge of various qualitative data analysis techniques

By the end of this course, students will have developed:
1. Critical understanding of qualitative research methodologies in international business.
2. Practical skills in conducting interviews, focus groups, and participant observation.
3. Technical proficiency in coding qualitative data manually and with software tools (e.g., QDA Miner).
4. Analytical skills in interpreting and theorizing data using frameworks like Grounded Theory and thematic analysis.
5. Ethical awareness regarding data handling, participant interaction, and the implications of research findings.
6. Team collaboration skills through group-based data collection and analysis projects.



Session 1-2: Introduction to Qualitative Research
• Objective: Understand the key differences between qualitative and quantitative research methods, and their application in international business contexts.
• Content:
Overview of qualitative research in business
Key methodologies: Case study, ethnography, and phenomenology
Introduction to Grounded Theory
Ethical considerations in qualitative research

Session 3-4: Data Collection Techniques
• Objective: Learn how to design and conduct interviews and focus groups for qualitative research.
• Content:
Crafting research questions
Conducting semi-structured interviews and focus groups
Techniques for participant observation
Best practices for data collection in cross-cultural contexts

Session 5-6: Case Study Approach & Grounded Theory
• Objective: Explore the application of case study methods and Grounded Theory in qualitative research.
• Content:
Designing and conducting case studies
Applying Grounded Theory for data analysis
Strategies for theoretical sampling
Discussion of inductive vs. deductive approaches in data analysis

Session 7-8: Data Coding and Analysis (QDA Miner Workshop)
• Objective: Gain hands-on experience in coding and analyzing qualitative data using QDA Miner software.
• Content:
Introduction to coding: Open, axial, and selective coding
Using QDA Miner for qualitative data analysis
Practical exercises: Coding real data sets
Introduction to thematic analysis and identifying patterns

Session 9-10: Writing and Presenting Qualitative Research
• Objective: Learn how to structure and present qualitative research findings in a professional and academic format.
• Content:
Structuring research reports and presentations
Writing the findings and discussion sections
Presenting qualitative data visually (e.g., mind maps, concept diagrams)
Peer feedback on research presentations

Session 11-12: Group Work and Peer Review
• Objective: Collaborate in groups to finalize data analysis and prepare a presentation of research findings.
• Content:
Group discussions and feedback on preliminary findings
Peer review and critique of group projects
Finalizing research reports and preparing for presentations
Ethics review: Ensuring compliance with research standards



1. Denzin, N. K., & Lincoln, Y. S. (2018) – The SAGE Handbook of Qualitative Research (5th edition). Sage Publications.
2. Gioia, D. A., Corley, K. G., & Hamilton, A. L. (2013) – Seeking Qualitative Rigor in Inductive Research: Notes on the Gioia Methodology. Organizational Research Methods, 16(1), 15-31.
3. Saunders, M., Lewis, P., & Thornhill, A. (2007) – Research Methods for Business Students (4th edition). Pearson Education Limited.


1. Charmaz, K. (2014) – Constructing Grounded Theory (2nd edition). Sage Publications.
2. Gubrium, J. F., Holstein, J. A., Marvasti, A. B., & McKinney, K. D. (2012) – The SAGE Handbook of Interview Research: The Complexity of the Craft (2nd edition). Sage Publications.
3. Tracy, S. J. (2019) – Qualitative Research Methods: Collecting Evidence, Crafting Analysis, Communicating Impact (2nd edition). Wiley.


1. Glaser, B. G., & Strauss, A. L. (1967) – The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for Qualitative Research. Aldine Publishing.
2. Suddaby, R. (2006) – From the Editors: What Grounded Theory Is Not. Academy of Management Journal, 49(4), 633-642.


1. Voynnet-Fourboul, C., Gautier, E., & Moriez, D. (2022) – Clarifying Organizational Identity: The Work of Spirituality and the Role of the Consultant. Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, N°126.
This paper explores the role of spirituality in clarifying organizational identity and highlights how consultants can use qualitative methods to assist organizations in this process.

2.Voynnet-Fourboul, C., & Gautier, E. (2019) – “Revealed Identity”: An Ethnographic Approach to Singularity. Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 133, 181-208.
An ethnographic study examining organizational identity through qualitative research, this paper is an example of how qualitative methods can be applied to explore complex organizational phenomena.

Contrôles des connaissances

Individual grade
• Students will individually write a research paper that critically reflects on the qualitative methods used in their group project.
• This paper should cover methodological fit, ethical considerations, and the application of qualitative theories in business research.

Other grade(s)
Grading during class

• Students will work in groups of 2 to 3 to analyze real-world qualitative data.
• Each group will select a business case study, conduct interviews, and apply the methods learned during the course (e.g., coding, thematic analysis).
• The final deliverable will include a comprehensive report with data interpretation, grounded theory application, and actionable insights for international business.
• The analysis must demonstrate ethical research practices and a socially responsible approach to data collection and reporting.

Weight: 70 / 30

Informations complémentaires

This course will employ a combination of interactive teaching methods to facilitate both theoretical understanding and practical application of qualitative research techniques.

1. Lectures:
Theoretical frameworks and key concepts related to qualitative research methods will be introduced in lectures, offering students foundational knowledge in methodologies such as Grounded Theory, case studies, and phenomenology.

2. Case Study Analysis:
Students will engage in the analysis of real-world international business cases, allowing them to practice the application of qualitative methods in a practical context. Case studies will serve as the basis for group discussions and collaborative projects.

3. Workshops:
Interactive workshops will be conducted to provide hands-on experience in data collection, coding, and analysis. These workshops will utilize both manual techniques and software tools like QDA Miner to train students in handling qualitative data.

4. Group Work:
Students will work in small groups (2-3 members) to collect and analyze qualitative data, fostering teamwork and collaboration. Group activities will involve designing research questions, conducting interviews, coding data, and presenting findings.

5. Peer Feedback Sessions:
During the course, students will have the opportunity to present their intermediate findings and receive constructive feedback from their peers and instructors. This iterative process helps improve their analytical and presentation skills.


This course integrates innovative teaching methods and cutting-edge technology to enhance the learning experience and support the development of qualitative research skills.

1. Use of Qualitative Data Analysis Software (QDA Miner):
Students will be introduced to advanced qualitative data analysis software such as QDA Miner. These tools will be used in workshops to help students learn how to code and analyze large datasets efficiently.
The software facilitates the analysis of textual data, categorization, and theory building, offering students a hands-on experience with real-world data.

2. Digital Collaboration Platforms:
Group work will be supported by digital platforms (e.g., Google Drive, Microsoft Teams) to enable seamless collaboration on research projects. These platforms will be used for sharing documents, co-editing research reports, and organizing virtual meetings.

3. Interactive Digital Tools:
The course will make use of digital tools like Mural for brainstorming, mind mapping, and collaborative note-taking during workshops and peer feedback sessions. These tools will enhance student interaction and engagement with the material.

4. Video Resources:
Supplementary video tutorials and webinars will be provided to support students in mastering complex qualitative research techniques. These videos will cover topics such as software usage, coding methods, and best practices in qualitative analysis.


1. Strauss, A., & Corbin, J. (1998) – Basics of Qualitative Research: Techniques and Procedures for Developing Grounded Theory. Sage Publications.
Essential reading for understanding Grounded Theory, a core method discussed and applied in the course.
2. Flick, U. (1998) – An Introduction to Qualitative Research. Sage Publications.
This book provides a user-friendly introduction to the key methods, techniques, and theories in qualitative research.


QDA Miner Software License:
• All students enrolled in this course will have access to a QDA Miner license for the duration of the course. This qualitative data analysis software will be used in workshops and for group projects to help students organize, code, and analyze qualitative data efficiently.
• A tutorial on the use of QDA Miner will be provided, along with access to online support and learning materials.