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Learning Expedition 2024: Management Control Master’s degree 2nd year students in Madrid

Published on July 12, 2024 Updated on July 15, 2024

From June 13 to June 16, 14 students in the 2nd year of the Management Control Master’s degree had the opportunity to go to Madrid during a learning expedition. On this occasion the students, accompanied by Katia Lobre, Program Director, and by Nathalie Renesson, Student Program Administration Officer, discovered Spain’s capital city and the particularities of jobs in Spain in the Accounting and Management Control sector.

Exploring Spain’s Controlling and Organizational Auditing sector 

Through several conferences and visits to companies, the students have learned more about the jobs in Control Management within an international framework and they discovered the particularities of the Spanish market. 

On June 13, the group was welcomed by the auditing firm Bové Montero y Asociados, one of the first Spanish companies specialized in Auditing and Consulting. Founded more than 40 years ago, the auditing firm is now located in Barcelona, Madrid, Palma de Mallorca, Seville and Valencia. The students had the opportunity to follow a conference presented by Mr. François Blin, certified public accountant and member of the Board of Directors of the Franco-Spanish Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The conference was about the differences between Accounting and Auditing, and the characteristics of the Spanish market in these sectors.

The next day, the students went to the town of Tres Cantos, located a few kilometers north of Madrid, in order to discover the production site of bioMérieux, a French company specialized for more than 60 years in in vitro diagnosis. They were welcomed by Mr. José Ramón Egea, the Director of the site, and by Mr. Manuel Martinez and Mrs. Marta Rodriguez, both Management Accountants at bioMérieux. After a visit of the premises, the students followed a conference about the company and its operation, particularly about the Management Control and its organization.

Madrid, a cultural city 

The students also made the most of these four days to discover the cultural wealth of Spain’s capital city. They visited the Museo Reina Sofía and the Royal Palace of Madrid.

Dedicated to modern and contemporary art, the Museo Reina Sofía is home to numerous internationally renowned pieces of art, including Picasso’s famous “Guernica”. The Royal Palace is a true symbol of Spain’s greatness and of the country’s history. It is the official residence of the King of Spain and it is the largest royal palace in Western Europe, in front of the Château de Versailles and of Buckingham Palace.


The students in the 2nd year of the Management Control Master’s degree would like to thank iaelyon for having given them this opportunity, as well as everyone who supported their project and allowed them to fulfill it.

They also thank everyone who welcomed them during this week in Madrid, for their time, availability and their vast knowledge and enriching experiences they brought to the students.

Contact :
Corporate Relations and Careers Department (Pôle Relations Entreprises & Partenariats) - iaelyon : iae-pep@univ-lyon3.fr
Thématiques :
Courses; Student life; Partnerships; International