• Formation continue,
  • International,

International MBA : Kingston Business School accueille le Study Trip 2024

Publié le 18 juillet 2024 Mis à jour le 18 juillet 2024

Du 1er au 5 juillet, un groupe de participants de l’Executive International MBA de l’iaelyon, accompagné par la Directrice du programme, Silvia DIDIER, ont séjourné à Londres pour une semaine immersive et multiculturelle.

La 8ème édition du voyage d’étude de l’International MBA de l’iaelyon était organisée pour la troisième fois à Kingston University, partenaire historique de l’iaelyon, avec un programme élaboré avec soin par Pauline Parker, Directrice du MBA Kingston.
En contrepartie l'iaelyon accueillera pour la première fois des étudiants de Kingston University lors de l’International Week 2025.

Les temps forts du Business Trip 2024 :

Le cours « High Performance Leadership » dispensé par le Professeur Alex Hill, avec l’ensemble des étudiants de l’Executive MBA de Kingston University et des participants issus d’autres universités partenaires, comme University of Applied Sciences Kempten en Allemagne.

La visite de la startup Check-Out à Londres.

Pour Silvia Didier, Directrice de l’IMBA, les bénéfices du voyage d'étude sont multiples :

  • Permettre aux participants de l’IMBA une expérience à l'international chez un partenaire de qualité
  • Proposer une thématique supplémentaire pour approfondir les connaissances des participants
  • Elargir leur réseau en rencontrant d'autres internationaux en Formation Continue

"This learning expedition was a great experience because the total immersion in English was profitable and the discovery of Kingston was a pleasure. The courses were well structured and adapted to learning in good conditions with practical cases to allow reflexion on the subject in a small group and then collectively to improve our knowledge about leadership performance in a managerial context.

This facilitated exchanges with all the seminar participants and also helped us to better understand the topics. I appreciated also that the teacher was very attentive, empathetic and his teaching method. The company visit was also very interessing to understand concretely and make the connections with what we had seen in class. But above all, discovering a new working environment and a new approach to working collectively: this can give ideas and open up your mindset to work in a new environment.

This learning expedition allowed me to meeting people from différent cultural backgrounds. It was a real opportunity, a human enrichment and a real sharing of knowledge. Finally, being with the IMBA team was a real pleasure sharing pleasant moments as well as rediscovering London and sharing with them some places that I appreciated.

Thank you again for allowing us to experience this adventure, to meeting new wonderful people and to have had a pleasant stay together. Now ready for a new adventure!"
Linda TRUFFAUT, IMBA promo 2024 

"It’s was a great learning opportunity. Simple presentations and lots of international cases with great mix of profit and non-profit context were helpful in understanding complex topics. I felt like I am in a real business world and practicing management skills. Also, that the lecture developed their own cases relevant to the topics and based on the needs of the students."
Sohrab FAIZY, IMBA promo 2024

"It was a great experience of learning leadership, discovering Kingston and London and meeting nice people. The course was practical with case studies/discussion and inspiring for future leaders to think about sustainable organization. The takeaways of this course could be applicable for organization as well as personal development. I also appreciate the opportunity to visit the disruptive startup. It opens my eyes to a new working environment!"
Chung TRINH, IMBA promo 2024

Partenaires :

Kingston Business School, partenaire de l’iaelyon depuis 1994

Accrédité AACSB et EPAS, la Business School de l’Université de Kingston accueille régulièrement des étudiants de l’iaelyon en échange.
D’autres initiatives nourrissent le partenariat : voyages d’études dans le cadre du DCG et DSCG (2016, 2017 et 2018), séminaire délocalisé dans le cadre de l’iaelyon International Week, interventions d’enseignants de Kingston dans l’International Week de l’iaelyon…
Thématiques :
Formation continue; International