Formation diplômante réservée exclusivement aux professionnels, organisée par iaelyon School of Management.
Think Large Think International
The objective of the IMBA is to better prepare participants to be effective global managers who understand the overall environment, organization, employees and customers.
The iaelyon Executive IMBA is a unique executive program, entirely taught in English over 11 months.
International guest speakers, professors and practitioners come to share their knowledge and expertise with a culturally diverse classroom. Developed around a flexible part-time format, with classes taught on Fridays and Saturdays, the IMBA offers the opportunity to follow courses all the while keeping a full-time job, thereby minimizing any potential disruption for candidates and employers.
Recruited on an international scale, participants come from varied cultural backgrounds and benefit from different academic and professional experiences; the diversity of a multicultural and multidisciplinary group helps to provide a comparative approach.
Seminars are interactive with modern teaching methodologies including in-class case studies, references to concrete professional situations, in class role-playing and interactions between peers and lecturers. Participants are not only exposed to best management practices, they are also complementary and learn from one another.
The Master’s is also available through the Accreditation of prior experience and learning, either total or partial.
Campus Channel Executive: International MBA
With Silvia DIDIER, IMBA Academic Director, Fabrice RIOU - IMBA Alumni, 2023 and Huan MA - IMBA Alumni, 2022.
► The video with the list of questions
Participants will inherently learn to be more effective cross-culturally because of the international diversity of their classroom.
The IMBA curriculum does not only put the emphasis on the theoretical and practical aspects of management. It encompasses how these techniques should be adapted and applied in various parts of the world.
This program is registered to the National Directory of Professional Certifications (RNCP) under the reference 35916, a recognition from the state and social partners.
The highlights of the program:
A program entirely taught in English by iaelyon and international professors and practitioners
A part-time program compatible with a professional activity: courses taught on Fridays and Saturdays
A real business case in collaboration with a company
An individual coaching offered to all participants
4 good reasons to choose iaelyon School of Management
A 65 year old University-based School of Management located downtown Lyon in the Part-Dieu Business District
Over 7,000 students with a network of 65,000 Alumni across the world
Strong corporate connections embedded in the DNA and activities of the School
A strong international focus with over 150 international partners in 50 countries and 15% international students on site
What was your background before the IMBA? After receiving my bachelor’s degree in chemistry from Zhejiang University in China back in 2009, I have been an expatriate for over 13 years, studying and working mainly in Sweden and recently in France. I entered biotech industry in 2016 after obtaining my PhD degree in Biochemistry from Uppsala University in Sweden. During the years, I have had various positions as senior scientist developing in-vitro diagnostic assays and products for research...
Quel a été votre parcours avant l’IMBA ? Après l’obtention de mon diplôme d’ingénieur (HEI, Lille) en 1998, j’ai eu l’opportunité de réaliser ma première expérience internationale à travers un CSNE (Service national à l’étranger) d’une durée de 18 mois en Angleterre. J’ai ensuite intégré le groupe Danone en 2000 pour y exercer plusieurs fonctions très opérationnelles au sein de service méthodes (dont la finalité était d’améliorer les performances des lignes de production de nos petits...
iaelyon School of Management Direction Formation Continue
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Campus Manufacture des Tabacs
1C, avenue des Frères Lumière - CS 78242 - 69372 LYON CEDEX 08
Our program is dedicated to executives; therefore applicants must possess:
A Bachelor’s Degree (equivalent to 180 ECTS of Higher Education in European Standards)
A minimum of 5 years work experience
A very good command of Business English
Applicants must provide:
A complete application form
A detailed motivation letter
Selected applicants will then undergo individual interviews in English either face to face or by videoconference before final admittance in the program.
► Apply Online on e-Candidat (from February 12)
Please select "(Lyon) (FC) M2 Management et Administration des Entreprises - Management Général International Master of Business Administration(IMBA)" to apply for the imba.
L'International MBA est accessible en contrat d'apprentissage pour des professionnels disposant de 5 années d’expérience professionnelle minimum.
Et après ?
Niveau de sortie
Année post-bac de sortie
Bac + 5
Niveau de sortie
Niveau 7
Compétences visées
Activités visées / compétences attestées
At the end of the IMBA, participants will be able to:
Apply strategic and analytical thinking
Take decisions and solve problems
Understand and manage overall organizational complexity
Understand international socio-economic issues
Work in teams and implement a communication strategy
Adapt personally to culturally diverse situations
Develop organizational awareness
Carry out personal and career developments
Enforce leadership
The IMBA curriculum does not only put the emphasis on the theoretical and practical aspects of management. It encompasses how these techniques should be adapted and applied in various parts of the world.
Participants will inherently learn to be more effective cross-culturally because of the international diversity of their classroom.
Débouchés professionnels
Secteurs d'activité ou type d'emploi
The objective of the Executive IMBA is to better prepare participants to be effective global managers who understand the overall environment, organization, employees and customers.