06211178 - Designing HR strategy and mesuring HR performance (in english)
Niveau de diplôme | |
Crédits ECTS | 6 |
Volume horaire total | 40 |
Volume horaire CM | 40 |
- ROSIQUE Audrey
The aims of this course are to identify links between strategy and HR policies. HR managers must identify issues of HR in strategy; to be confident with the notion of growth and developpement (organic, by redeem, incremental, or by rupture), they have to be able to align local HR policies with global strategy; to discover how to become an essentiel member of the board council of the company, how to negociate or influence stakeholders; to decide how to create and develop a strategic communication; and knowing the HR strategic indicators.
This course will also enable students to:
- the basic knowledge of management control essential to any manager
- the skills needed to assess the financial impact of human resources management decisions.
Topics :
The corporate social responsability in RH strategies
Sustainable strategies in HRM
Master the HR strategic management, its forms and pratices.
Be able to analyse the strategic dimension of HRM
Understand the decision-making process that permit to develop a strategic integrated and evaluative vision of HRM
Know how to become actor in the HRSM.
- knowing how to make a HRSM diagnosis.
- being able to advise the board council with HR recommendations, and defend them.
- being able to create and develop a strategic planning for careers and skills.
- being able to find HR indicators usefull for the strategy.
- being able to communicate an HR strategy.
- Winning some skills to exercise HR's functions at strategic level.
At the end of the class, students will also be able to:
- Identify costs and revenues,
- Analyze cost behavior,
- Identifiy and calculate relevant costs and revenues related to HR decisions,
- Measure performance of HR decisions,
- Take into account non-financial performance,
- Analyze Staff costs and salary costs, forecast the evolution of payroll and labor costs.
1. Strategic vision of HRM : bases and models.
2. Harmonisation between HRM pratices and strategy : searching performance.
3. Strategic communication in HRM.
4. The employees as stategic advantage in business.
5. Efficency of HRSM.
6. Futur and HRSM.
Concepts to Master :
Organic growth versus Buy Out strategy.
development of breakthrough.
how to cope with volatile ecosystem.
how to identify the break-even
selection of international implanting choice
Introduction: what is performance?
1. Basic concepts
2. Relevant costs and revenues for decision making
3. Making HR decisions
4. Financial and non-financial measures of performance
5. Staff costs management
- ALOUANE, (2002), « la gestion stratégique des ressources humaines : les compétence au centre du management » les ressources humaines sont-elles gérables?, Paris: l’Harmattant
- ATRILL & McLANEY, (2022), Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists (12th edition), Pearson.
- DAMPHOUSSE, (1991), « l’intégration des ressources humaines à la stratégie d’entreprise », la gestion des ressources humaines sur la scène stratégique. Quebec : presse de l’université du Quebec
- FOMBRUN & all, (2005), « la gestion stratégique des ressources humaines », MBA management, synthèse des meilleurs cours des grandes business school, paris, Laurent du mesnil éditeur, pp 285-319
- GAZIER, (2001), Les stratégies des ressources humaines, Paris la découverte
- GOSSELIN & all, (2001), « penser stratégiquement c’est faire FACE », effectif, novembre/décembre 2001, vol4, N°5
- GUERIN, WILS, (1990), « l’harmonisation des pratiques de gestion des ressources humaines au contexte stratégique : une synthèse, 25 ans de pratiques en relation industrielles au quebec, les édition Yvon Blai es ressources humaines », MBA management, synthèse des meilleurs cours des grandes business school, paris, Laurent du mesnil éditeur, pp 285-319
- MARTEL, (2001), « la première compétence requise : « être stratégique», effectif, novembre/décembre 2001, vol 4, N°5
- MARTORY Bernard (2018), Contrôle de gestion sociale, 9ème édition, Vuibert
- PORTER, (1996), « what is strategy? », Harvard Business Review, novembre/décembre 1996
- SAINT-ONGE S. & all, (2004), relever les défis de la gestion des ressources humaines, Boucherville : Gaétan Morin éditeur
- TAIEB Jean-Pierre et LE HUEROU Françoise (2008), La masse salariale, Dunod
- WRIGHT & all, (2005), « New model of strategic HRM in a global context »,the international journal of HRM, vol 16, n°6, pp.875-879
- WRIGHT & all, (2005), « New model of strategic HRM in a global context »,the international journal of HRM, vol 16, n°6, pp.875-879
- FOMBRUN & all, (2005), « la gestion stratégique des ressources humaines », MBA management, synthèse des meilleurs cours des grandes business school, paris, Laurent du mesnil éditeur, pp 285-319
- Tahar C. (2023). Une diffusion réussie d’outils de gestion pour des décisions éclairées ? L’exemple de la gestion des capacités dans les services. Audit Comptabilité Contrôle : Recherches Appliquées 16 (1) : 116‑136.
Contrôles des connaissances
Written exam, 2h : case study including exercises
Exam 2
Oral group presentation with written document, present an HR strategic diagnosis, and some strategic advises
4 hours to 6 hours advised
Informations complémentaires
The course will be taught, sustained by slide presentation, a part of this presentation could be given to students through moodle, if the professors observe a real involvement of the students.
Debates, case studies, press articles and small exercices, will illustrate the lessons.
Conferences will be done on the topics of merger, redeployment and job preservation plan, and their management according to HR vision.
Many documents will be put on moodle platform, with acces to students, to complete by themselves this course.
Articles to upload on moodle:
Maler J.H., Strategic Human Resourece Management in Cotext : a Historical and global perspective, in Accademy of Management perspectives, pp6-11
Defélix C., Mazzilli I., Gosselin A., "articuler les politiques de GRH et les stratégie d'innovation : proposition d'un modèle" 16.p
Wils T., Labelle C., Guérin G., Le Louarn J.Y. (1989) "la gestion stratégique des ressources humaines: un reniement du rôle social de l'entreprise ?, in relation industrielle, vol 44, n°2, pp.354-374
Formations dont fait partie ce cours
Renseignements pratiques
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
1C avenue des Frères Lumière
CS 78242
69372 Lyon cedex 08
Tél. : +33 (0)4 78 78 70 66
Sur Internet