Graduate School @iaelyon

"International Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Society" Graduate school

Graduate + : Education through research

The @iaelyon Graduate School was created in 2023 as part of the Graduate + project deployed by 4 establishments (Lyon 1, Lyon 3, St Etienne and ENS) with the support of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (French National Research Agency) as part of France 2030 under the reference “ANR-21-SFRI-0001”.

Entrepreneurship and societal innovation

The "International Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Society" (IEIS) Graduate School developped by iaelyon focuses on entrepreneurship and its transformational abilities, a key theme for the University and iaelyon School of Management. It offers a specific course to a class of excellence and enables even closer links between bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, doctorates and research teams, in order to create a real synergy for excellence and the common good.

The IEIS Graduate IEIS programme aims to train researchers in entrepreneurship working on an innovative, international project with societal impact (climate, health, biodiversity, greencity, smartcity, etc.).
Students in the graduate school have the opportunity to develop the entrepreneurial skills that are essential to lead innovative and societal projects. At the same time, high-level researchers with the ability to federate and act in complex and international situations to develop ambitious entrepreneurial projects have the opportunity to grow.

Master 2 and PhD students receives specific support from experienced researchers and mentors. Discussion sessions between undergraduate, graduate and PhD students are organised to foster collaboration on projects.

Founder and manager
Marie-Christine CHALUS


Alicia MERLE
Graduate School @iaelyon coordinator

Graduate School @iaelyon
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Campus Manufacture des Tabacs
1C, avenue des Frères Lumière - CS 78242 - 69372 LYON CEDEX 08 (FRANCE)