The iaelyon Alumni association is for all graduates of iaelyon, in France and abroad, and is made up of a growing network to create links between different classes, generations and fields of studies. 60 000 graduates have been educated at iaelyon School of Management since its creation in 1956 and more than 2 500 new graduates join them every year, of which a third are international students.
You are a graduate of iaelyon ?
Boost your business, your career, your network!
The advantages
Professionally :
Develop your professional and partner networks
Develop your business
Discuss common issues and best practices
Build your image as an employer
Recruit talent, participate in careers events
Financially support the iaelyon Alumni association
Personally :
Develop your personal network
Share your values, your experiences, your common interests
Engage, sponsor, mentor, share, participate in the life of our school
Boost your career, receive exclusive offers, develop your skills
Reinforce the community and the sense of belonging to iaelyon
You are a student of iaelyon ?
You can already join the network of our graduates !
The advantages
Access some professional events
Be sponsored or mentored
Participate in conferences or themed after-work events
Access exclusive groups on social networks
Receive offers for an internship or a work-study program