Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État

Master 2 Sustainable Management for International Business - SMIB

Mention : Management et commerce international

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EFMD Accredited MSc

EFMD Accredited MSc - Master in International Management


High-level Program organized by iaelyon School of Management.

Notre formation est classée parmi les meilleurs Masters, MS & MBA Commerce International et Management International de la région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes :


Our moto: how to become a Talent for Good in International Business

The Master Sustainable Management for International Business is targeted towards students from diverse backgrounds, both cultural and academic, who aim to develop their career and skills in helping businesses and organizations to solve urgent and emerging transitional challenges in International Business, mixing environmental, managerial and societal perspectives.

The aim is to develop both technical and critical thinking skills to analyze, perform and inspire in an ever increasingly volatile, uncertain, and complex business environment. The Master SMIB equips with the cutting-edge skills required to generate profitable and sustainable international business growth.

An Excellent Master Programme, with both professional and research orientations, benefiting from a leading programme accreditation system.

The SMIB Master benefit since 2008 from the EFMD programme accreditation, which constitutes the most thorough programme accreditation system for business and/or management degree. This accreditation offers international recognition and a benchmark for what is considered an internationally recognised and peer-reviewed programme. The EFMD accreditation also helps the program management team to strive for excellence in an on-going improvement process following each re-accreditation visit.

The Master 2 Sustainable Management for International Business (formerly Management of International Activities), a course of the EFMD accredited M.Sc. International Management, offers students the opportunity to reflect on the impacts of digital, sustainable and environmental transitions on the modalities of actions in international business, and thus to learn about the latest developments in the “Grand Challenges” and “Polycrisis” environment that organizations face in the international environment, in all its dimensions, and their organizational and managerial impacts and implications.

The association of professional and research orientations constitutes a strong and rare added value. Being trained in a strong mastery of management research methodologies is essential to be able to sensitively understand the different methods of collecting information and to know how to process it to both finely analyze contexts and make timely and appropriate decisions. The research orientation also allows SMIB master's graduates to be able to pursue doctoral studies. The professional orientation allows students to maintain a direct connection with the realities of management practices, particularly in the international context.

The SMIB Master offers the core skills needed in  international & sustainable business

SMIB Master Students are highly confronted to the challenges of managerial transitions required by the need to integrate more sustainability into individual and collective practices of responsible management. These challenges are multiplied for all internationalized companies, by confronting multiple local contexts, and the need for coordination at global, regional, and local levels. This aims to seek transversality, open-mindedness, and the development of critical thinking on the functioning and management of international organizations and affairs.

Thanks to strong and deep learning and discussion in Sustainability and Transitional Development, Geopolitics and polycrisis analysis, the students learn to analyse complex and multifaceted business environments and to develop competitive advantages throughout the value chain. The SMIB Master’s programme offers in-depth courses on international business disciplines and managerial skills development through collective projects development for international -current and entrepreneurial- activities, where sustainability is key.

The SMIB Master prepares young talented bachelor degree with 2-3 years professional experience and holders of a Master 1 (ie, 60 ECTS at graduate level) to build a healthy environment and an inclusive society by creating international business solutions for tomorrow’s economy and the common good.

The objective of the SMIB Master is to open up both to research professions (via doctoral education) but also to professions enabling the development of researcher skills: taking a step back, analyzing complex phenomena, identifying problems, construction of data collection methodologies for decision-making, proposal of innovative solution. This requires scientific rigor in the work, in reports, written communications, and data analysis. The SMIB Master provides strong knowledge of the specificities of internationalized organisations, with the business logic of “project manager – consultant – researcher”.

In the iaelyon School of Management spirit, the SMIB Master aims to train professionals open to the diversity of worlds, who integrate social responsibility into managerial professions and who can make the link between theory and practice. Thanks to the end-of-studies project, the SMIB perspectives go one step further. While hard skills may be enough to get aware of the targeted issues, the soft skills developed in communication, negotiation, teamwork, and leadership are what will lift SMIB graduates in developing an international career in organizations, or even in developing their own business.

The SMIB advantages:


The SMIB Master is characterized by the diversity of the faculty and the diversity of the profile of the students (half of whom are international), which contribute to enriching the exchanges and debates within the programme.

Since its creation in 1998, the program has trained students and professionals from a wide variety of geographical origins, brought together in France within a multicultural group. The implementation of methodology courses aims to strengthen the rigor of students, and their ability to implement quantitative and qualitative approaches and analyze the results. The implementation of courses on major global issues affecting organizations provides students with a detailed understanding and analysis of the environment on an international scale in all its dimensions: geopolitical, economic, institutional, cultural, environmental, etc.

The “Research” orientation of the program allows participants who wish to do so to develop a personal research project, leading them to prepare for doctoral studies. The SMIB Master is based on strong skills in the field existing within the International Management research team at the Magellan Research Lab - iaelyon School of Management.

This Master also includes continuing education participants. It is accessible under total or partial “VAE” (“Validation des Acquis de l’Expérience”).

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Contacts de la formation

Responsables pédagogiques



Méline DETER


iaelyon School of Management
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Campus Manufacture des Tabacs
1C, avenue des Frères Lumière - CS 78242 - 69372 LYON CEDEX 08 (FRANCE)


Etudiants iaelyon


Niveau(x) de recrutement

Bac + 4

Formation(s) requise(s)

The SMIB Master is aimed at candidates holding a first year of Master or with 240 credits in an equivalent diploma.

They must have a very good level of English: 800 on the TOEIC or 90 on the TOEFL minimum).

Different student profiles are sought to enrich exchanges, discussions and debates within the programme.
  • Students with a background in International Management who wish to deepen their knowledge, through an educational system based on sustainable management and research.
  • Engineers, political science students... who seek an understanding of major global and sustainable issues and their developments at the organizational and managerial level.
  • Professionals who have been faced with challenges at the international level and who wish to take a step back from organizational management tools and practices, with sustainability perspective.
  • International students, notably from Campus France, who wish, through this diploma, to deepen their knowledge in the management of international ans sustainable activities.

Conditions d'admission / Modalités de sélection

Selection is made on the basis of an application file :
  • Academic results
  • Results to Score iae Message test or TAGE MAGE or GMAT tests
  • Results to TOEIC or TOEFL + professional project (CV and cover letter).
  • Individual interview after the first selection round.
PLEASE NOTE: the SIM Test is not required for iaelyon students and for professionals in Life-Long Education.

Coût de la formation

Modalités d'inscription

  1. Check the application calendar
  2. Complete your application on the application platform
  3. Validate your application before the deadline
    Please note: an additional session may be organized
Calendar & Application platform: MASTER MCI

En raison de la fermeture de l'université du 20 juillet au 20 août inclus, nos services seront indisponibles durant cette période. Le délai de traitement de votre candidature peut être prolongé.


Formation iaelyon

The Master Sustainable Management for International Business is a course of the M.Sc. in International Management.

Number of hours: 344

The SMIB Master divided into 2 semesters organized as follows:

  • Fall Semester: September to December
  • Winter-Spring Semester: January to March, follow by a 3-to-6-month internship starting from March.

The optional internship is a period of exposure to a professional environment during which students acquire professional skills and apply the knowledge they gained during their curriculum to earn a degree or qualification and foster their professional integration.

Teaching is provided by French and international faculty and by professional speakers, recognized experts in their profession.
Academic rigor is confirmed by the completion of an end-of-study thesis (with a defense in July-September).

Rythme et modalités

The optional internship, in France or abroad, is a period of exposure to a professional environment during which students acquire professional skills and apply the knowledge they gained during their curriculum to earn a degree or qualification and foster their professional integration.

Possibility of doing an internship abroad.

Et après ?

Diplômés iaelyon

Niveau de sortie

Année post-bac de sortie

Bac + 5

Niveau de sortie

Niveau 7

Débouchés professionnels

Secteurs d'activité ou type d'emploi

  • Researcher (via doctoral education)
  • Project manager, Consultant in international organizations