The Conversation – What if retirement homes worked on their employee image to recruite and build employee loyalty ?

Published on May 21, 2021 Updated on September 27, 2021
The Conversation
The Conversation

Article cowritten by A Chloé Guillot-Soulez, associate professor in management and human resources management at iaelyon School of Management, and Claude Roussillon Soyer, postdoctoral researcher in management and human resources management at the École Nationale Supérieure de Formation de l’Enseignement Agricole (ENSFEA).

France, like many countries, is currently facing an ageing population which will translate to an increase in the needs to care of senior citizens. According to the numbers of the Direction de la recherche, des études, de l’évaluation et des statistiques (DREES), the French public statistical agency specialized in socioeconomic studies, by 2030, this need will increase even higher. This rise means that the care of senior citizens needs to be anticipated by both encouraging independence at home when possible, as well as finding extra space in the Etablissements d’hébergement pour personnes âgées dépendantes (EHPAD), the most common form of medicalized retirement homes in France.
At the same time, this situation also means anticipating needs in human resources for the sector (aged care workers at home, caregivers and nurses in hospitals, as well as paramedical staff and administrative, educative and social workers, etc.).

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 Chloé Guillot-Soulez