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Bring a brand closer to its customers through social commitment: Gallia Laboratory hands a case to iaelyon
Become an actor in a brand transformation: this was the subject the iaelyon Bachelor Management & Global Business 3rd year students worked on. Organized with AJU (Atout Jeunes Universités) and theirprofessor Noémie Dominguez, students were able to put their creativity, ideas and knowledge to the service of Gallia Laboratory brand.
Created in 1947 by Charles Gervais, the Gallia Laboratory brand is specialized in the production and marketing of infant milk for professionals and public. Part of the global Danone group since 1967, the brand is one of the main players on the French and European market.
A project led from November 2021 to February 2022
After their meeting with Léa Gonidec and Madeline Honoré – brand managers -, students had 3 months to think of ways to bring the Gallia brand closer to its customers. How can we best guide parents in the first months after the birth? Which cause to defend and how?
Feedback at Gallia Laboratory regional headquarters
With their professor, Noémie Dominguez, students presented their 2 projects emphasizing on infants and parents’ well-being as well as the prevention of post-partum depressions and the support for new families’ type (single-parent, same-sex parents,..).
The feedback at the Gallia Laboratory regional headquarters was a very informative and helpful four students who were able to benefit from inspiring and enriching feedback.
► Gallia Laboratory
► Management & Global Business Bachelor