Equal opportunities: iaelyon has signed a partnership with “Passeport Avenir”

Published on October 28, 2016 Updated on November 28, 2016

In the framework of “Plan Réussite Licence” (Bachelor Success Plan), iaelyon has just signed a partnership with the Association “Passeport Avenir”. As of this year, 5 students in their first year of Bachelor in Management will be sponsored by professionals to support them all along their studies but also within their professional integration to come.

The objective of Passeport Avenir is to support young people from a working-class background towards higher education and senior positions. The students are monitored during five years by volunteer tutors. The organization tries to strengthen the schools policy of social openness and to develop networks of companies committed to equal opportunities. The organization also aims at bringing together new companies, schools and universities through the implementation of local offices in seven priority areas.

Yolande François, Associate Professor in charge of the “Plan de Réussite en Licence” explains: iaelyon has choose to target the “Passeport Avenir” project in priority to first year students. Amongst others we are looking at developing student’s ability to consider an international career by facilitating for instance their participation in international exchange programs with partner universities of iaelyon.

Within the framework of the “Passport Avenir” project, the five students from iaelyon will benefit from a personalized tutoring from a manager working within one of the partner companies of the organization and trained to support students in the construction of their professional project. The students will also have the opportunity to take part in a collective tutoring to improve their knowledge of the professional world and build their professional project (career workshops, company visits…). This aims to facilitate their professional integration and to give them access to international careers by supporting them in their internship or VIE (International Volunteer Program) search.

iaelyon fosters successes

iaelyon supports its students in the completion of their studies, choice of career path and development of their employability to guarantee them a successful and lasting professional integration. All along their studies and beyond the theoretical input, iaelyon organizes personal development initiatives, establishes numerous partnerships with the socio-economic world and facilitates the links with companies.

This new initiative is coordinated by the Internship and Career Center and further develops the existing career counselling portfolio.

Passeport Avenir: enhancing the development of a new generation of company leaders

The organization has built a unique model which gathers and mobilizes people every year:
  • 4,300 young people coming from varied social, ethnic and territorial backgrounds
  • 30 companies mobilizing 450 collaborators to participate as tutors helping young talents grow and thus enriching their human capital within the framework of an effective and concrete diversity management
  • More than 200 schools and universities supporting and developing the policy of social openness in partnership with companies

> Info : www.passeport-avenir.com
Contact :
Anne-Sophie GUEHO, Directror of Career-Internship-Coop Programs : anne-sophie.gueho@univ-lyon3.fr