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iaelyon 2022 Employability weeks
Published on October 26, 2022 – Updated on November 8, 2022
- Conference "How to become a Business Developer"
October 27th / 6pm - 7pm – Room 1 - Training workshops
November 7th & 8th / 12pm - 2pm - 7th Online / 8th Face-to-face - Professional pictures by Junior Conseil
November 7th & 8th / 12pm - 2pm - Room106 & 104 - Mock-up interviews
November 10th / 12pm-2pm - Online - Job Dating
November 14th /12pm-5pm - Salon des symboles
Whether you are a 1st or 2nd year Master student looking for an internship, a young graduate seeking a professional opportunity or a international mobility candidate, come take part in the iaelyon employability weeks.
This year, the Career Center and the Division of Corporate Relations have worked together to offer you a great program!
From October 27th until November 14th 2022, HR experts (recruitment consultants, career development and professional mobility advisors & corporate HR managers) will help with your internship and/or job search.
Register to all the events, conferences, workshops and online meetings. Expand your network and get precious advices from professionals. The goal is to give you all the keys to help you better perform with the recruiters and better understand their expectations in a very competitive market.
These tips & tricks will help you during the job dating which will take place at the Salon des Symboles, Manufacture des Tabas, on Monday November 14th, from 12pm to 5pm.
► REGISTRATION REQUIRED on the jobboard Link'iaelyon by U3e (tickets limited).
Conference “How to become a Business Developer”
October 27th / 6pm-7pm – Room 1► REGISTRATION REQUIRED
The organization Synergie Campus federates around 30 French and international groups, with more than 1 million employees in France. Its objectives: encourage exchanges between companies and higher education establishments, promote career opportunities and revalue the image of sales occupations. To hold a sales position in industry, services, retail or banking is quite different, the only common point is in the job title.
Discover the tasks, the multiple profiles and the high responsibilities positions in France and internationally for the sales force of these companies.
With the kind contribution of:
Training workshops
November 7th & 8th / 12pm-2pm - 7th online & 8th face-to-face
Presented by recruitment & professional mobility experts and by HR managers specialized in recruitment and young graduates’ market.Three 30-minute workshops per person & per day.
► REGISTRATION REQUIRED on the jobboard Link'iaelyon by U3e
Online: November 7th, 2022
New recruitment techniques: Traditional recruitment techniques have shown their limits in recent years. Recruiters must now deal with an environment where the use of new technologies cannot be overlooked. At a time when more and more companies are dropping out traditional processes, come and discover their new recruitment methods.
Define your target market:
For an effective job or internship search, it is necessary to know the job market. Follow our expert’s advices to set up an optimal strategy to determine your target companies.
Best practices for an international experience :
Slot 1 in English:
The benefits of an international work experience are considerable: a higher level of foreign language, a greater ability of adaptation, a better open mindedness... To maximize the benefits of a professional experience abroad, it is important to be well prepared. Learn more about the different tools you can use to find an internship/job abroad.
The "International Volunteering" program allows each year more than 10 000 youths to start their career internationally. To be an international volunteer is to get access to fascinating projects but to also live an incredible human experience.
Find out more about the different opportunities.
Face-to-face: November 8th, 2022
How to sell yourself during a job interview:You’ve successfully passed the pre-qualification stage and have been called for an interview. The interview is the critical step when you have to convince your interviewer that you are THE person for the job. Learn how to sell yourself to make the difference with other candidates and succeed in your interview.
Develop your personal branding:
To optimize your chance of landing a project in line with your ambition, mastering your personal branding is fundamental. Your personal brand is the combination of your skills, your experience and your personality. Take control of your personal brand and develop your career because your best asset is you.
Prepare your interview: practical advice
The interview is an opportunity to sell yourself to the recruiter. What are the keys to the success of this exchange? How to prepare yourself, which behavior to adopt, which topics to address, what are the expectations of your interviewer and how to answer?
How to develop your personal contacts network?
How to demystify the network process, which is at the origin of nearly 70% of all recruitments? Whom to contact? How to present your approach? Get all the answers you need to professionalize your approach and increase your opportunities.
Professional pictures by Junior Conseil
November 7th & 8th / 12:15pm-1:45pm - Room 106 & 104► REGISTRATION REQUIRED on the jobboard Link'iaelyon by U3e
Boost your resume or your LinkedIn profile with a digital professional picture offered by iaelyon Junior Conseil
Put on your nicest outfit and meet us at the photobooth
- Room 104 : November 7th / 12:15pm-1:45pm
- Room 106 : November 8th / 12:15pm-1:45pm
Mock-up interviews
November 10th / 12pm-2pm - online► REGISTRATION REQUIRED on the jobboard Link'iaelyon by U3e
Online 30 minutes personal interview: 20 minutes of interview, 10 minutes of debriefing
Conducted by recruitment experts, these mock interviews will allow you to better prepare your future exchanges with the recruiters. Through this interview (in French or in English), learn how to optimize the presentation of your personal profile, your career path, your knowledge and your skills, all of which are valued aspects of your professional positioning.
A job or internship search is based on a specific, almost ideal project. You’ll be received and prepared from this basis.
Take a job offer with you and adapt your resume accordingly.
With the kind contribution of:
Job Dating
November 14th / 12pm-5pm - on site, salon des symbolesEvery year, we ask the companies attending the job dating what their recruitment needs are whether it be for internships, jobs or VIE.
Investigating your market and your target companies through internet, interviews, press etc will give you the opportunity to present yourself as a future coworker or a trainee, both informed and motivated by the job.
Study your recruiter’s needs and be efficient during your exchanges.
Be proactive, state a clear professional project in line with the offer. Pay attention to your personal marketing, by being consistent and synthetic in your presentation of knowledge and skills acquired through your internships/jobs/voluntary work.. as you would do on a social network such as UE3.
From 27 October 2022 to 14 November 2022All day
Manufacture des Tabacs campus
Last updated: November 8, 2022