• Institutional life,
  • University life,

Marie-Christine Chalus was elected Dean of iaelyon

Published on June 23, 2023 Updated on June 23, 2023
Marie-Christine CHALUS (Photo D. Venier - Lyon 3)
Marie-Christine CHALUS (Photo D. Venier - Lyon 3)

On June 7th during a special meeting, the iaelyon board elected Marie-Christine Chalus who will be taking over from Christian Varinard as Dean of iaelyon – Jean Moulin University as of September 1st, for a 5-year mandate.

Marie-Christine Chalus has been a Full Professor at iaelyon – Jean Moulin University since 2013, after several national and international professional experiences (Lyon 1 University, Grenoble-Alpes University, Baruch College in New York and HEC Montréal).

Head of the Teaching and Strategy Research Department, she is also in charge of the Graduate + “International Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Society” (Winner of the SFRI/ANR project) and of the DBA (Doctorate in Business Administration) in partnership with the Business Science Institute.

Renowned researcher and specialist in entrepreneurship, she is Vice-President in charge of development for the Academy of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. She founded and is currently leading the applied entrepreneurship research team CREATE (over twenty researchers, including international ones). She is the author of several books including "Veille Stratégique à l'usage des décideurs" (Strategic monitoring for decision makers) and the co-coordination of "La résilience entrepreneuriale en période de risque et de crise" (Entrepreneurial resilience in times of risks and crisis), and regularly publishes in leading French and international journals.

Highly involved in socio-economic circles, she was president of the Political and Social Economy Society of Lyon and co-funded the Women Business Angels office in Lyon. She also worked in the private sector for 7 years, supporting start-ups.

Since 2023, she has also been in charge of entrepreneurship at Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University.

> Marie-Christine Chalus ‘resume
> LinkedIn
Contact :
Catherine Parmentier – iaelyon Director of Communications : catherine.parmentier@univ-lyon3.fr
Thématiques :
Institutional life; University life