Diplôme national de master contrôlé par l'État

Master MAE General Management Program - GMP

Mention : Management et administration des entreprises

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Infos générales

Structure(s) de rattachement
Durée de la formation
  • 1 an
Formation continue
Formation diplômante
Lieu(x) de la formation
Oui, obligatoires
Langues d'enseignement


Formation iaelyon
High-level Program organized by iaelyon School of Management.


Think ahead... Think International

The General Management Program (Master MAE), flagship degree of iaelyon School of Management, offers an overall vision of Business Administration and a set of skills in General Management to participants of various academic and professional backgrounds: engineers, doctors, lawyers etc.

Designed for both French and international students the GMP is a full-time program entirely taught in English by iaelyon faculty members as well as international Visiting Professors and practitioners.

The program focuses on the development of double-skills and its strength lies in its general approach of business and management concepts targeting multidisciplinary and multicultural participants.

Long-lasting program, academically renowned, the GMP benefits nowadays from a strong recognition in the job market.

The highlights of the program:

  • Ranked in the Top Master’s Degrees in management in France by the Eduniversal 2024 ranking
  • Full English track
  • Multicultural classroom and high level of interactivity due to small size of the group
  • Internship and Career Center providing GMP students with personalized guidance and employability support


The GMP is designed for pre-experience students and executive practitioners in Continuing Education

The degree earned after completion of the program and presentation of the Master’s Thesis, based on the mandatory internship, is a National Degree accredited by the French Ministry of Education and Research




Contacts de la formation

Responsables pédagogiques


Pre-Experience Master’s Students:

Continuing Education / Executive Applicants:
Email: contact.iaefc@univ-lyon3.fr

iaelyon School of Management
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Campus Manufacture des Tabacs
1C, avenue des Frères Lumière - CS 78242 - 69372 LYON CEDEX 08



Partnerships established with renowned engineering schools (INSA, Polytech Lyon, ECAM LaSalle, ENTP) and other notorious institutions (Sciences Po Lyon) allow students to coordinate their postgraduate studies and their core degree.

   ECAM LaSalle   

       Sciences Po Lyon  

The French version of the GMP (MAE) is also taught in several foreign countries: Poland (Lodz), Hungary (Budapest) and Czech Republic (Prague). Courses abroad are taught both by local Professors in the language of the country and visiting iaeyon faculty members.


Etudiants iaelyon


Niveau(x) de recrutement

Bac + 4

Formation(s) requise(s)

The GMP is designed for a diverse audience, i.e. participants with a non-business background: engineers, doctors, lawyers etc. The program targets :
  • Students holding 240 ECTS earned outside iaelyon School of Management
  • Executive practitioners in Continuing Education

Conditions d'admission / Modalités de sélection

Selection is made on the basis of an application file : academic results + results to SIM Score IAE Message (TAGE MAGE or GMAT accepted only for international students) + results to TOEIC or TOEFL or IECTS English Test (if English is not the native language of the applicant) + professional project (CV and cover letter).

Modalités d'inscription

  1. Check the application calendar
  2. Complete your application on the application platform
  3. Validate your application before the deadline
Calendar & Application platform: MASTER MAE > GMP


Formation iaelyon


Le Master 2 GMP
est un parcours du Master Management et Administration des Entreprises

  • Début des cours en septembre
  • Les enseignements sont assurés par des enseignants-chercheurs de l’iaelyon et par des intervenants professionnels, experts reconnus dans leur métier.
  • L’insertion professionnelle est favorisée par le stage obligatoire.
  • La rigueur académique est confirmée par la réalisation d’un mémoire de fin d’étude, avec une soutenance en septembre)

344 heures, cours de début septembre à fin février

Rythme et modalités

4 to 6 months internship with an international management mission in France or abroad - Master thesis and defense

Et après ?

Diplômés iaelyon

Niveau de sortie

Année post-bac de sortie

Bac + 5

Niveau de sortie

Niveau 7

Compétences visées

Activités visées / compétences attestées

GMP graduates are hired in a wide variety of positions and diverse business sectors in accordance with their previous education and past experience.
Overall they tend to be highly represented in general management and marketing positions.