2021 Odyssée Photos Competition: a student of the Master of Human Resources in the competition

Published on May 20, 2021 Updated on May 20, 2021

Pauline CHAUVE, second-year student of the Master of Human Resources, is participating in the 6th edition of the Odyssée Photo competition, organized by Référence RH. The contest, which focuses on visual representation, underlines the interest and importance of image in the promotion of work spaces.

The competition, open to all students in a Master which has been given the label of Référence RH, gives a chance to students to illustrate through photography the different mutations in the work world that are brought on and developed by HR services. Pauline CHAUVE, second-year student of Master 2 Ressources Humaines et Organisation ( Master of Human Resources), and supported by Chloé GUILLOT-SOULEZ, co-Program Director, has created a photograph that represents her vision of the résumé of the future.

The individual confronted by the technological and environmental changes

photo Pauline CHAUVE “My photograph is a projection of the not-so-distant future, where technology will be pushed to its pinnacle and where humans will have bionic eyes, and powerful hearing aids. The norms of today’s résumé as we know it will go through a paradigm shift.

You can see that the camera in the shape of an eye is observing and monitoring.
Pop-up messages remind you that changes in the workplace, and particularly technological ones, can be toxic and suffocate humans, taking away what they thought to be their liberty (in reference to the camera which is filming and recording all of our data).
In the distance, it is more difficult also to capture emotional intelligence of the person that is in front of us. Certain weak signals are more difficult to perceive”.

The final will take place in Paris in a few weeks, during the General Meeting of Référence RH. A jury made up of members of the network and their partners will award the three best photos.

Find out more about Odyssée photos de Référence RH (in French)