• International,
  • Continuing education,

Peer-to-peer Consulting: Live session

Published on November 23, 2023 Updated on November 23, 2023

Improve your management and leadership skills, learn more about it and experience a live session with your IMBA peers. After last year’s great success of this conference, we are pleased to offer you the possibility to join us for a new “Peer-to-peer-Consulting” session (in English or French).

In the complex world, that we live in today, where change is exponential, perpetual and pervasive, new forms of leading and managing teams, companies and organizations are crucial. To find relevant answers to today’s economical, ecological, and human challenges, the model of the “leader as hero” is more and more often unadapted and needs to be replaced by the intelligence of the group.

One structured approach to use this collective intelligence is “Peer-to-peer consulting” - a form of consultation that exploits the knowledge and experience of peers, usually conducted with the help of a facilitator.

Join us on December 15th,2023 on the campus of the iaelyon (Manufacture des Tabacs) to learn more about “Peer-to-peer consulting” (Co-développement) and experience with the current and former IMBA participants a live peer-to-peer consulting session (in English or French) with the help of certified facilitators.


  • 2 pm: Welcome of the participants at the iaelyon
  • 2:15 pm:  Introduction "Peer-to-peer consulting”
  • 3 - 5 pm:  Live sessions of “peer-to-peer consulting” in subgroups with the help of professional and certified peer-to-peer facilitators
  • 5 - 6 pm: The IMBA Alumni networking moment  

As an IMBA Alumni your participation is free, but an individual registration is mandatory.

Places are limited and will be attributed on a first come – first served-basis.


The iaelyon IMBA is a unique executive program, entirely taught in English over 11 months. International guest speakers, professors and practitioners come to share their knowledge and expertise with a culturally diverse classroom. Developed around a flexible part-time format, with classes taught on Fridays and Saturdays, the IMBA offers the  opportunity to follow courses all the while keeping a full-time  job, thereby minimizing any  potential disruption for candidates and employers.
More information about the International MBA


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