DCF Challenge 2021: 4 students from iaelyon awarded in regional finals

Published on July 6, 2021 Updated on July 19, 2021

Created by the network of Dirigeants Commerciaux de France, the DCF Challenge is a renowned competition for both undergraduate and postgraduate students. The 3rd edition, which brought together 150 institutions and over 9000 students, was made up of 5 levels with local, regional and national stages. Two duos of students from iaelyon have been recognized in the oral exam for networking operations and won 2nd place in the local final.

On the 28th June, Baptiste GRENIER and Yohann LECLERC, students in Professional Bachelor in Sales, and Bertrand COMBE LABOISSIERE and Mehdi BENMADDA, both second-year students in the Master of Sales were awarded with 2nd Place in the undergraduate and postgraduate categories respectively.

Gathered at iaelyon, the two awarded duos received their award in the presence of four members of DCF as well as the two Directors of the programs, Corinne MONTOYA et Olivier DURET, respectively.

A huge thank you to the DCF members Frédéric Naudin, Vice-President of Frédéric Ducrocq and President of the Commission ; Roland Lechailler, General Secretary and Romain Hallet, President of DCF Juniors, for their investment in and their availability for our students.

The DCF Challenge

The DFC Network

Since its creation in 1930, the Dirigeants Commerciaux de France network brings together men and women whose main occupation is the commercial development of their business, the improvement of its results, and the performance and competitive spirit in the company. Present across the country, the network counts more than 2500 people in its membership, split over 75 local associations across France and the overseas territories. Whether they be small or medium-sized business owners, managers in international companies, commercial directors, sales directors, marketing education leaders or students in management programs, everyone shares the same philosophy. United around strong values (ethics, engagement, solidarity, sharing), the DCF put customer satisfaction at the heart of debate, as a part of their sustainable profit strategy. In order to be able to anticipate and develop projects that are linked to the reality of the market, the DCF also created the Observatoire Permanent de la Fonction Commerciale (OPFC) in 1998, a monitoring center for commercial occupations. .
Contact :
Division of Corporate Parternships : iae-pep@univ-lyon3.fr