International - Interculturel - Langues

06260274 - Séminaire international / International seminar

Niveau de diplôme
Crédits ECTS 2
Volume horaire total 18
Volume horaire CM 18


The iaelyon International Week

iaelyon is proud to host every year visiting professor and practitioners from all over the world to participate in the International Week.  Implemented in 2006, the iaelyon International Week is an annual major event for the school.

Intended for Master students, students in continuing education and also executive participants, these management courses are taught in English and in Spanish by speakers from foreign universities and schools of management. The themes cover all major fields of management (marketing, finance, human resources, international management, strategy…) and give the opportunity to discover, through very interactive pedagogical styles, an original subject. They bring the participants an international and intercultural approach to cross disciplinary fields and subjects such as ethic, conflict solving, leadership,…
Learn more about the iaelyon International Week

Formations dont fait partie ce cours