High-level Program organized by iaelyon School of Management.
Contribute to enhance the international performance of companies and organizations
The International Business Realities (IBR) program aims to enlighten students on international challenges by providing them with global and cross-cutting insights into various management situations within a multicultural context. Increasing market globalization presents companies with new challenges making it imperative to educate future managers capable of meeting them.
It addresses the situation of both multinational and smaIl and medium enterprises and investigates all dimensions related to their internationalization.
The 1st Year of the International Business Realities Program
The 1st Year of the Master’s aims to provide students with a solid background in International Management by teaching them managerial knowledge and skills.
It helps both understand the international environment through its economic, legal, financial and geopolitical components and grasp the realities of companies facing new strategic, organizational and intercultural challenges.
The 2nd Year of the International Business Realities Program
The 2nd Year of the Master’s helps the participants to gain a greater proficiency in International Management.
Students get the opportunity to analyze international management issues from multiple perspectives to be able to develop strategies adapted to the modern business world: a world marked by volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity.
A particular emphasis is put on the development of the participants’ ability to draw a link between theoretical knowledge and its application, their openness towards the different cultures and the social corporate responsibility of a manager.
The internship allows students in their 1st and 2nd year of the Master’s in International Business Realities to effectively use the knowledge acquired during their studies. The internship with an international management mission can take place in France or abroad.
The IBR program is fully taught in English.
The multicultural mix of the participants and faculty gives the possibility to analyze and discuss business topics and issues from different points of view. The small size of the group (25 to 30 students) guarantees an interactive exchange with fellow students, faculty and practitioners.
The highlights of the IBR program
EFMD accredited MSc since 2008
Full English track
Multicultural classroom and high level of interactivity due to the small size of the group
Internship and Career Center providing IBR students with personalized guidance and employability support
Double degree with the prestigious University of Economics VSE Prague, with University of Pavia, OR with University of Tübingen
High-level research team in international management
The program of the Master’s International Business Realities is also available to professionals in Life-Long Education and in Validation of Professional Experience.
Training contacts
1st Year: M. Arthur NGUYEN
2nd Year: M. Paul-Marc COLLIN
More information (for Students) Mathilde CADART
Ph. +33 (0)4 26 31 87 75
iaelyon School of Management
Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
Campus Manufacture des Tabacs
1C, avenue des Frères Lumière - CS 78242 - 69372 LYON CEDEX 08 - FRANCE
Prerequisites training
either a three-year national University degree (Bachelor’s or 180 ECTS credits) in a speciality compatible with the requested Master’s or having a strong management component;
or, under the same conditions, a degree or state-approved level 2 title or a title approved by a national regulation at the same level;
or a three-year foreign University degree in a specialty compatible with the requested Master’s.
Conditions of admission / Conditions of successful application
This Master’s is designed for committed students with a solid prior curriculum, having an international focus, being proficient in English and other foreign languages, being able to adapt rapidly and prepared to engage in an intensive academic program.
Selection is made on the basis of an application file :
The Master’s in International Business Realities is divided into 4 semesters organized as follows:
Semester 1: September to December
Semester 2: January to beginning of April: Academic program, April to July: Internship
Semester 3: September to beginning of January
Semester 4: 6-month internship starting from January or later
The internship is a period of exposure to a professional environment during which students acquire professional skills and apply the knowledge they gained during their curriculum in order to earn a degree or qualification and foster their professional integration.
Nb. of hours: 702
358 in the 1st Year
344 in the 2nd Year
Master's Degree International Business Realities - Content
Semestre 1
UE1 - Operating in international environments
(6 ects)
Internship, in France or abroad, is a period of exposure to a professional environment during which students acquire professional skills and apply the knowledge they gained during their curriculum to earn a degree or qualification and foster their professional integration.
1st Year: 3 months minimum, from April 2nd Year: 6 months minimum, from January
Several opportunities of internationalization are offered to students
► Learn more
Double degree are offered to IBR students, in partnership with prestigious Universities :
VSE Prague,
University of Pavia,
University of Tübingen
Erasmus field
Unknown label
What's next ?
Job opening
Business sector or job
Completing the 1st year of the Master’s in International Business Realities opens the doors to the 2nd year of the Masters’ in this specialiIity or in any other related speciality in France or at one of the international partner Universities of iaelyonSchool of Management.
Students graduating from the Master 2 Program have the skills and the competencies to work for multinationals or SMEs with a strong international focus.
Graduates may start their career as a project or product manager in companies in an international field.